Toan Hoang

Coming Soon to Tableau Magic

I have already started to plan for 2020, and while I will still be writing tutorials for you to all enjoy, I have also have the following fun planned. So yes, it is going to be a lot of work, but I am are super excited.

Note: I am always looking for support and help, so if you are interested in working with me, please send an email to

Udemy / Tableau Specialist Exam Preparation

One of the most requested courses for Udemy is to cover the Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam; this is currently in the works and will be released shortly for beta testing before public release.

This course will not be teaching you how to use Tableau, but to cover the key points, concepts, theories, and to help prepare you for exam through quizzes and mock exams.

Due Date: November 2019

Udemy / Creating Tableau Extensions

I really love that Tableau has enabled developers to create Extensions, and while I have create a four part guide for creating extensions, this course will go deeper into the use of various libraries, technologies, and we will build an extension from end-to-end.

Topics will include using VS Code, NPM, YARN, Prettier, Gulp (and various tasks), SASS, the Extension API and Google Charts to create your own extension.

Due Date: Feb 2020

App / Tableau Color Palette Generator

The Tableau Magic Color Palette Generator was built in a couple of hours, and even though it is cool, it is not really a fully fledged application. Upgrading this has been on my radar for a while, and in December, I will be completing the upgrade.

This upgrade will be hosted on Google Firebase, will give you the option for social logins and profiles so that you can save of your colour palettes. This will also support the different types of palettes and give you the ability to fine tune your colors, plus have the the ability to have private or public colour palettes. Basically, this is going to be loads of fun to create, and for users, you can save and share your favourite colour palettes.

Due Date: December 2019

App / Tableau Document Generator

A Tableau Document Generator has also been on my radar for a while. Essentially, this will be a web application that will enable you to upload your Tableau Workbooks and then be able to download a documentation for your workbook.

As a Tableau Workbook is an XML document, it should not be too hard to use jQuery to loop through the document and format the output. This is not the highest item on my to do list, so if you have some free time, please get in touch.

Due Date: June 2020

Extension / Organisation Chart

One of the Extensions that I definitely want to build is an Organisation Chart Extension. It would be great to visually appealing way to create interactive hierarchies. I have explored and experimented with this, and still looking for a great way to visual a hierarchies.

In my exploration, I have found a few interesting libraries with cool outputs:

Due Date: September 2020

Extension / News Tickers

I posted up a video of some drunken programming the the output of me trying to create a News Ticker Extension for Tableau; News tickers are a key feature in information delivery and can be seen on every news channel today.

Our News Ticker Extension will take the data in a worksheet and create an interactive scrolling bar on your dashboard. My previous drunken hack was not based on an library, but I will be looking to leverage something more well supported. I have found the following libraries:

Due Date: May 2020

Extension / Tableau Voronoi

I really like the way a Voronoi Chart looks and while I have not been able to draw this in Tableau (yet), I would love to create a Tableau Extension for this.

I have built a few extensions already, but have only released one to date, but this one will be a lot of fun to create. I have found the following JavaScript libraries that could be leveraged:

You can see an example snippet on my account here:

Due Date: April 2020

Extension / Tableau Tour

Tableau 2019.2 introduced Hide and Show containers, so we can now toggle an overlay image to help the end users. However, I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to have a Tableau Dashboard Tour extension. Like with a lot of websites, the extension will allow you to step a step by step guide for your dashboards that can be easily and seamlessly integrated into your dashboards.

I am still reading through the Extension API documentation to make sure that this is possible, but I will look to leverage one of the following libraries:

Due Date: March 2020

Book / Best of Tableau Magic 2019

In 2019, a little under one hundred articles have been written from introducing Tableau concepts, to quick tips, to advanced data visualizations. I have been planning on releasing a book for a while, and as such, I will be consolidating my top tutorials of the year.

The additional value will be more in-depth review of the functions and mathematics used, more information on the uses cases for each of the charts, as well as additional data sets to practice with.

Due Date: January 2020

Online Instructor-Led Training

I am going to explore the possibility of Online Instructor-Led training in November and, if all goes well, I will be releasing a training schedule for the new year. I am looking to cover the following content:

I have road map of what I want to achieve and this is definitely an exciting development for me.

Due Date: Feb 2020


I am super excited for the coming year and have tons of fun planned with Tableau; I hope you are as excited as I am for what is to come.

For the application and extensions, I am always looking to collaborate with others; working with people is far more fun than sitting in a dark basement by yourself. So if you are interested, want to learn, or are a programming guru, do get in touch by emailing me at

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