Tableau API Quiz

Our Tableau learning quizzes have been designed to help you test your learning as well as to be fun. Created for Tableau 2020.3, each question will also come with an answer...

Tableau QT: Dynamic Worksheet Selector

I have been asked a few times on how we can add the ability to swap worksheets dynamically. Here is a nice and simple quick tip on selecting worksheets using a...

Creating Pointed Podium Bar Charts in Tableau

A few weeks ago I created a tutorial for making a Podium Bar Chart. This week we are going to draw a Point Podium Bar Chart in Tableau using Polygons. I...

Video: Tableau with Music / Marimekko

Using a few neat tricks and some Table Calculations, we have created this awesome chart in Tableau. Enjoy ChannelWritten Tutorial

Creating Circular KPIs in Tableau

After the Barcelona vs Bayern Munich Semi-Finals for the Champions League 2020, I was browsing Twitter to see reactions and saw a circular KPI visualisation and thought that I would create...

Video: Tableau with Music / Control Charts

Using a few neat tricks and some Table Calculations, we have created this awesome chart in Tableau. Enjoy. ChannelWritten Tutorial

Tableau QT: Rounded Gantt Chart

Something very nice and simple, here is a Tableau Quick Tip on Creating a Rounded Gantt Chart within 10 minutes or less.Note: This is an alternative type of data visualisation, and...

Single Level Sankey Diagram

I saw this data visualisation while being a judge for #IronViz and thought that I should add this to my library of cool and interesting data visualisations. I hope you enjoy...

Video: Tableau with Music / Filled Circle

Using a few neat tricks and some Table Calculations, we have created this awesome chart in Tableau. Enjoy. TutorialYouTube Channel

Tableau QT: Podium Bar Chart

Thinking about the olympics and podiums, so here is a Tableau Quick Tip on Creating a Podium Bar Chart within 10 minutes or less.Note: This is an alternative type of data...