Home Learners Novice Tableau Calculations Quiz 1

Tableau Calculations Quiz 1


Our Tableau quizzes have been designed to help you test your learning as well as to be fun. Each question will also come with an answer and hopefully show you something you might now have known before.

So with that said and done, let us have some fun with 20 questions that should take you five minutes.


Q1. In the Data Pane, Calculated Fields have an equals sign next to the type icon

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. The equals sign gives us a quick way of distinguishing between Data Source Fields and Calculated Fields. Personally, I also like to prefix the names of my Calculated Fields.

Q2. Which statement is TRUE about Calculated Field pill colors?

Correct! Wrong!

C is correct. Parameters cannot be added to a dashboard as a Pill with a color, and it is only Purple when a Parameter is used within a Calculated Field Calculation. Facts is a term from Dimensional Modelling and is referred to as Measures in Tableau. Answer D is just completely wrong.

Q3. ALL items in the Data Pane must have a unique name?

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. Dimensions, Measures and Sets must have a unique name, but Parameters also sit within the Data Pane and can have the same name as Dimensions, Measures and Sets.

Q4. When using COUNT or COUNTD, NULL values are included.

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. COUNT counts the number of values, COUNTD counts the number of unique values. Neither include NULL values.

Q5. When using DATEPART, which of the following is NOT a valid value?

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. The value should be 'day' and not 'days'.

Q6. The following is a valid expression: DATE(2018-06-15 14:52:01)

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. The DATE function takes in a string value and therefore quotation marks are required.

Q7. The ZN function

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. The ZN value is very useful when it comes to doing maths and avoid NULL issues.

Q8. Which of the following is NOT a function?

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. RUNNING_COUNTD is not a valid function in Tableau. RUNNING_COUNT is however and returns the running count of the given expression from the first row in the partition to the current row. RUNNING_SUM returns the running sum of a given expression from the first row of the partition to the current row. RUNNING_MIN returns the running minimum of a given expression from the first row of the partition to the current row. RUNNING_AVG returns the running average of a given expression from the first row of the partition to the current row.

Q9. The SCRIPT_ functions return results from an external service

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. SCRIPT_BOOL, SCRIPT_INT, SCRIPT_REAL and SCRIPT_STR are used to bring back results from an external data service. Current this includes R and Python.

Q10. Is 5^2 a valid expression?

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. The ^ operator is the power operator and this expression will return 25.

Q11. 10%7 is a valid expression.

Correct! Wrong!

D is correct. The % operator (modulo) returns the remainder of a division operation. For example, 9 % 2 returns 1 because 2 goes into 9 four times with a remainder of 1. Modulo can only operate on integers.

Q12. The FIXED level of detail expressions

Correct! Wrong!

C is correct. A describes INCLUDE. B describes EXCLUDE.

Q13. An IF part of an expression can return a different data type from the ELSE part

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. All expressions must return the same data types so you will get the following error: "Return type from IF expressions must match"

Q14. The following is a valid DAY(#2018-04-15#)

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. You can use # as a short cut for DATE, for example, you could have written the above as DAY(DATE("2018-04-15")).

Q15. The RANK_DENSE Table Calculation

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. B describes RANK_PERCENTILE. C describes RANK_UNIQUE. D describes RANK_MODIFIED.

Q16. The REGEXP_EXTRACT function

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. A describes REGEXP_EXTRACT_NTH. C describes REGEXP_MATCH. D describes REGEXP_REPLACE.

Q17. The LOOKUP function

Correct! Wrong!

B is correct. A describes FIRST. C describes LAST. D describes PREVIOUS_VALUE.

Q18. The DATETRUNC function

Correct! Wrong!

D is correct. A describes DATEPART. B describes DAY. C describes MAKEDATE.

Q19. The SCRIPT_STR Table Calculation

Correct! Wrong!

D is correct. A describes SCRIPT_BOOL. B describes SCRIPT_INT. C describes SCRIPT_REAL.

Q20. You can send SQL expressions directly to your database.

Correct! Wrong!

A is correct. RAWSQL pass-through functions can be used to send SQL expressions directly to the database, without first being interpreted by Tableau. If you have custom database functions that Tableau doesn’t know about, you can use these pass-through functions to call these custom functions.

Tableau Desktop Calculations Quiz 1
You are amazing and answered every question correctly.
Extremely well done. Try again and try to get perfect.
Not bad but can be imporved upon, Take a note of your errors and try again.
More reading required
Less than 75% of questions correctly answered so more experimenting and playing with Tableau Desktop is a must.

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  1. Please correct date types. There is “ios-day” instead of “iso-day”. That misleads… Apart from that great test. Thanks!

  2. Another great Quiz! This time misleading is question regarding pill colours. A measure can actually appear with blue pill, when it is discrete.

    • If you have two measures on your rows shelf, your will have three panels: All, Measure one, Measure two. If you have different dimensions on measure one and two marks panel, it will appear as grey on the All Marks Panel. I hope this makes sense.

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