Toan Hoang

Tableau QT: Connected Bar Charts

This is a Quick Tip on how to build a Connected Bar Charts in Tableau, so less reading and more jumping in. We are going to spend 5 minutes or less building our Connected Bar Chart in Tableau. I saw this at a session with Klaus Schulte ( and Ludovic Tavernier ( Tableau Conference in Berlin 2019 and thought I had to see if I could figure it out? I always try to work things out myself before looking at how others have solved the same problem; sometimes we approach the problem in the same ways, and sometimes, completely differently, it is all part of the fun. I highly recommend you checking out Klaus’ and Ludovico’s blogs and following them on Tableau Public and Twitter.

Note: As always never choose a data visualisation type and try to fit your data into it, instead, understand your data and choose the best visualization for your data consumers.


Let us start by loading Orders from the Superstore data set, if you have Tableau Public you can download the dataset here:

Once you have loaded the data into Tableau Desktop / Tableau Public, we want to edit our data source:


We will start by creating the following calculated fields.

Size Parameter

Date (Month)

IIF([Table Name] = "Orders", DATEPART('month', [Order Date])-[Size],DATEPART('month', [Order Date])+[Size])*10

Sales (Bar)

IIF([Table Name]="Orders", [Sales], 0)


Now that we have created our Calculated Fields, we will build our Worksheet.

If all goes well, you should now have the following:

Now, I want to put these ontop of each other and align.

If all goes well, you should now see the following:

We will now adjust the cosmetics:

You will want to have the following finished product:

and boom we are done with our Connected Bar Charts. you can find my visualisation on Tableau Public here:!/vizhome/ConnectedBarCharts/ConnectedBarCharts


I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Do let me know if you experienced any issues recreating this Visualisation, and as always, please leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter @Tableau_Magic.

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