Toan Hoang

Tableau QT: Waterfall Chart

This is a Quick Tip on how to build a Waterfall Chart in Tableau, so less reading and more jumping in. We are going to spend 5 minutes or less building our Waterfall Chart in Tableau.

Note: As always never choose a data visualisation type and try to fit your data into it, instead, understand your data and choose the best visualization for your data consumers.


Load the following data into Tableau Desktop / Public.

Line Item,Year,Amount
Revenue / Licenses,2018,"555,581,000"
Revenue / Maintenance and Services,2018,"599,771,000"
Cost of Revenue / License,2018,-21407000
Cost of Revenue / Maintenance and Services,2018,-121217000
Operating Expenses / Sales and Marketing,2018,-593786000
Operating Expenses / Research and Development,2018,-382886000
Operating Expenses / General Administrative,2018,-125805000
Other Income,2018,"17,872,000"
Income Tax Expense,2018,-5165000
Revenue / Licenses,2017,429204000
Revenue / Maintenance and Services,2017,447855000
Cost of Revenue / License,2017,-13534000
Cost of Revenue / Maintenance and Services,2017,-100025000
Operating Expenses / Sales and Marketing,2017,-517446000
Operating Expenses / Research and Development,2017,-334148000
Operating Expenses / General Administrative,2017,-102871000
Other Income,2017,12266000
Income Tax Expense,2017,-6861000

The following data was taken from Tableau Investor relationship website:


We only require a single Calculation:

Bar Size


Yep, that is all we need.


To start building our dashboard:

If all goes well, you should see the following:

Now we will adjust the cosmetics to get the visualisation looking the way we want it.

Hopefully, you should see the following:

and boom, we are done, nice, simple and quick. You find my Waterfall Chart Dashboard on Tableau Public at!/vizhome/WaterfallCharts_15545648902300/WaterfallCharts


I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Do let me know if you experienced any issues recreating this Visualisation, and as always, please leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter @Tableau_Magic.

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