The TableauMagic DataTables Extension v1.0.0 is now available for general use; if you have Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater, all you have to do is download the .trex file and start using it in your dashboards today.
Note: we have released version 1.10 thanks to support from Tableau and their development team.
- Create a worksheet with the data you want to be displayed in the DataTable.
- Add the worksheet to a dashboard.
- Drag an Extension to the dashboard and use the downloaded trex file.
- Configure the Extension and connect it to a worksheet.
Note: This extension by design listens for actions and filters on the connected worksheet; this means you can have multiple worksheets with various visualisations filtering the Extension connected worksheet.
The TableauMagic DataTables Extension was created to:
- Improve my understanding of this wonderful Tableau functionality.
- Leverage the widely used libraries in Tableau dashboards.
- Provide an open-source example for others to look at, learn from, and improve upon.
- Have some serious fun.
I have open-sourced the code under the MIT license; you can find the link to the GitHub repository here:
If you think there is anything I can improve on, please let me know at via Twitter at @thoang1000, or via email at
Install Guide
To install the code and get up and running:
- Install Node.js and NPM
- Install Yarn
- Install Git
Once installed, clone this repository:
$ git clone
Run the following yarn command to install the required third-party libraries:
$ yarn install
Use npm to install a http-server
$ npm install http-server -g
Start the http-server
$ http-server
Open the datatables.trex file from the cloned GitHub repository in Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater. Enjoy.
Thank you to the wonderful people of the Tableau community for providing me with feedback, special thanks to:
- David Pires @davidmpires
- Josh Tapley @josh_tapley
- Rajeev Pandey @rajvivan