Creating a Tableau Extension / Part Four

In Creating a Tableau Extension / Part One we introduced you to Git, GitHub, Yarn, Visual Studio Code as well as Bootstrap, jQuery and the Tableau Extension API library. In Creating...

Tableau Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Tableau has an ever-growing list of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that we as developers can leverage to add functionality to Tableau; personally speaking, this is the most exciting part of the...

Tableau Extension API

Tableau Extensions were introduced in version 2018.2 and has massively opened up Tableau to the world of eager developers; literally speaking, this has the potential to be the biggest game changer...


The TableauMagic DataTables Extension Now Available

The TableauMagic DataTables Extension v1.0.0 is now available for general use; if you have Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater, all you have to do...

Tableau Desktop Quiz

New Learning Platform


Tableau and R / An Introduction

One of the Tableau topics I am frequently asked is can we integrate Tableau with the R programming language for statistical computation? The answer...

Drawing Google Logos

INDEX() Table Calculation

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