Introducing TabJolt

When deploying Tableau an Enterprise we the end-users do not just get a slick data-discovery, self-service and data visualisation tool, but something quicker than they have ever seen before. When deploying...

Creating Ternary Plots in Tableau

This is my last tutorial until I go on my August Tableau Magic break, and as such, I want to finish with a comprehensive tutorial on creating Ternary Plots in Tableau;...

Video: Tableau with Music / Half-Circle Timelines

Tableau with Music / Half-Circle Timelines. We will combine several Table Calculations to create this visualisation using the Sample Superstore Data Set. Nice and simple. TutorialYouTube Channel

Drawing Arc Maps in Tableau

As of 2019.2, Tableau now has the MakePoint and MakeLine Functions that makes this process a lot easier. I would recommend using the technique described in this tutorial only if...

Creating a Pudding Chart in Tableau

I love drawing in Tableau and a few months ago, I saw an image of a Sunflower and I wondered if there is a mathematical way to create this, I found...

Video: Tableau with Music / Bar Trend Chart

Using a few neat tricks and some Table Calculations, we have created this awesome chart in Tableau. Enjoy. TutorialYouTube Channel

Filled Circle Charts in Tableau

I created this tutorial a little while ago, but the math did not quite add up, so I had to remove the tutorial. After a little while decided to revisit this, and as such, here is my latest version of my Filled Circle Tableau data visualisation tutorial.

Creating Squared Spiral Column Charts in Tableau

Two weeks ago, we released our Spiral Column Chart Tutorial in Tableau using the Line Mark Type. In this tutorial, we are going to create a Squared version using the Polygon...

Video: Tableau with Music / Filled Circle

Using a few neat tricks and some Table Calculations, we have created this awesome chart in Tableau. Enjoy. TutorialYouTube Channel

Dual-Metric Doughnut Chart Tutorial

I created this data visualisation in Tableau when I was exploring Sunburst charts, and drawing polygons, but never did release an article on it. But given I just finished my article...


The TableauMagic DataTables Extension Now Available

The TableauMagic DataTables Extension v1.0.0 is now available for general use; if you have Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater, all you have to do...

Tableau Desktop Quiz

New Learning Platform

Tableau Viz Catalogue


Tableau QT: Table Pagination

Something nice and simple. In this Tableau quick tip, we are going to walk through a simple technique for Table Pagination in Tableau, in...

E09. Node.js

B19. Introducing Design

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