Toan Hoang

Creating Radial Jitter Bar Charts in Tableau

I created this a while ago, and only now have had a chance to write a tutorial on creating Radial Jitter Bar Charts. Truth be told, I spent time digesting the easiest and cleanest way to achieve such an effect. I hope you enjoy this Monday Bespoke Data Visualization Tutorial.

Note: This is an alternative type of data visualisation, and sometimes pushed for by clients. Please always look at best practices for data visualisations before deploying this into production.


We will start by loading the Sample Superstore data into Tableau Desktop / Tableau Public.

Note: If you have Tableau Desktop, you can use the Sample data source, but if you are using Tableau Public, download and load the following data source.

Calculated Fields

With our data set loaded into Tableau, we are going to create the following Parameter and Calculated Fields:

Radial Degrees Parameter

Thickness Parameter



Segment Index


Segment Label






TC_Total Sales



[TC_Sales]/[TC_Total Sales]

TC_Step Size

[TC_Percentage]/WINDOW_MAX([TC_Percentage])*[Radial Degrees]


SIN(RADIANS([Index]%[TC_Step Size]))
*(WINDOW_MAX([Segment Index])+([Random]))


COS(RADIANS([Index]%[TC_Step Size]))
*(WINDOW_MAX([Segment Index])+([Random]))

With this done, let us start creating our data visualisation.


We will now build our worksheet:

If all goes well, you should see the following:

We will edit the Table Calculations:

If all goes well, you should now see the following:

Pretty cool huh… we will now add a few adjustments:

You should now see the following:

Lastly, we will now adjust the cosmetics to get our final result:

You should now end up with the following:

Note: do experiment with changing the parameter values…

and boom, we are done! I hope you enjoyed creating this data visualization and learned some cool techniques as well. As always, you can find this data visualisation on Tableau Public at!/vizhome/RadialJitterBarChart_15764253704940/RadialJitterBarChart


I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it and as always do share the love. Do let me know if you experienced any issues recreating this Visualization, and as always, please leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter @Tableau_Magic. Do also remember to tag me in your work if you use this tutorial.

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