Toan Hoang

Packed Circle Charts in Tableau

Happy new year everyone, I hope you have all had some time off and enjoyed the festive period. I wish I could switch off and during this time I was looking at different types of visualisations and came across a Packed Circle (singular) chart and thought I would kick start the year with this a tutorial on how to create these in Tableau.

Note: As always never choose a data visualisation type and try to fit your data into it, instead, understand your data and choose the best visualization for your data consumers. 


Load the following data into Tableau Desktop / Public.

United States0800
United States360800
United Kingdom0300
United Kingdome360300

Note: we need two records for each stage as we are going to be drawing polygons and using densification to get more points on our canvas.

Calculated Fields

With our data set loaded into Tableau, we are going to create the following Calculated Fields and Bins:

Path (Bins)









Now that we have our Calculated Fields ready, let us build our Tableau Worksheet.


We will now build our worksheet:

You should see something like the following:

We will now adjust the look and feel for the visualisation by:

You want to end up with something like the following:

and boom, we are done, what a nice way to kick off the new year huh. When I use this visualisation type, it is normally much smaller and used to drive the rest of the dashboard.

You can see and interact with my visualisation on Tableau Public at!/vizhome/PackedCircle_0/PackedCircle


I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it, if so, please do share this article with fellow Tableau addicts and spread the love. Do let me know if you experienced any issues recreating this Visualisation, and as always, please leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter @Tableau_Magic.

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