Toan Hoang

Arc Chart Tutorial

After years of using Tableau, I was finally given a use case that would allow me to create an Arc Chart; I always strive to build the best visualization for the client’s requirements. The client wanted to visualize the number of issues that were being escalated from each level. In this tutorial, I will go through the steps to create an Arc Chart.


Our data set will consist of:

StepStart PointEnd PointPathEscalations
A to B12110
A to B1218110
A to C1314
A to C131814
A to D1412
A to D141812
A to E1511
A to E151811
B to C2315
B to C231815
B to D2412
B to D241812
B to E2511
B to E251811
C to D3414
C to D341814
C to E3512
C to E351812
D to E4514
D to E451814

Copy and paste this into Tableau and look at the data.

Note: We could have used the left and right functions to isolate the level and then use Calculated Fields to work out the Start Point and End Point, but for simplicity we I will include this in the data set. But if you want to try, use something like IF LEFT([Step],1) = “A” THEN 1…

Calculated Fields

We will create a Path (bin) object by:

Create the following Calculated Fields by as follows:





WC_End Point:

WINDOW_MAX(MAX([End Point]))

WC_Start Point:

WINDOW_MAX(MAX([Start Point]))

WC_Step Size:

([WC_End Point]-[WC_Start Point])/2




((COS([Index]*[WC_PI]/180))*[WC_Step Size])


SIN([Index]*[WC_PI]/180)*[WC_Step Size]

Now that we have all the Calculated fields, we will now go about building our worksheet.

The Worksheet

Let’s start by dragging our Calculated fields onto the worksheet:

You should now see the following:

Ok, we are not quite there yet, but we are getting there.

This will shift the half circles and will give you the following:

nd we are done, at least from a technical perspective.

Now do the following:

In the end, hopefully, you will have something that looks like this.

his type of chart can be used to highlight:

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