Creating Path Charts in Tableau

This is a tutorial that I have been wanting to write for over a year, however, the mathematics behind this really eluded me. Then one lazy Sunday, I decided to have...

Creating a Tableau Extension / Part Three

In Creating a Tableau Extension / Part One we introduced you to Git, GitHub, Yarn, Visual Studio Code as well as Bootstrap, jQuery and the Tableau Extension API library. In Creating a Tableau Extension...

Creating Square Arc Charts in Tableau

I hope you enjoy this last tutorial before I go on my first break of 2020. This is the technique that I used to create my Premier League Data Visualisation, which...

Creating a Tableau Extension / Part Four

In Creating a Tableau Extension / Part One we introduced you to Git, GitHub, Yarn, Visual Studio Code as well as Bootstrap, jQuery and the Tableau Extension API library. In Creating...

Creating a Multi-Level Dendrogram Charts in Tableau

Since I released my Dendrogram tutorial I have been inundated with requests on how to a multi-level version. So, in this tutorial, we are going to leverage some interesting techniques to...

Creating a Web Data Connector / Part 1

One of the top features of Tableau is that they provide out-of-the-box connectivity to a variety of common data sources; the number of supported data sources is increasing with every release...

Video: Tableau with Music / Coxcomb Chart

We will combine several Table Calculations to create this visualisation using the Sample Superstore Data Set. Also known as the Nightingale Rose. TutorialYouTube Channel

Venn Diagrams in Tableau

I was challenged a few years back to draw an interactive Venn Diagram, not just have two transparent circles, which is not too difficult, but having two circles as well as...

Drawing a Drop Off Sankey Chart in Tableau

Tableau Magic has experienced a fantastic launch and I am extremely grateful for your support. One of the ways I have been monitoring the growth of Tableau Magic is via Google...

Tableau Magic EpicViz vol.1

This is going to be a longer post than most as I want to give you the full idea behind this visualisation as well as show you how to combine several...


The TableauMagic DataTables Extension Now Available

The TableauMagic DataTables Extension v1.0.0 is now available for general use; if you have Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater, all you have to do...

Tableau Desktop Quiz


Tableau Acquisitions / 2003 to 2018

In 13 years, Tableau has grown, gone public, and at the point of writing this article, has a market Capitalization of $7.86 billion. But...

Tableau QT: HEXBIN Charts

B06. Focus on Learning

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