Petal Charts in Tableau

I struggled to find the appropriate name for this chart type and it bugged me quite a bit. On one hand, should this be called a petal chart or should this...

Packed Circle Charts in Tableau

Happy new year everyone, I hope you have all had some time off and enjoyed the festive period. I wish I could switch off and during this time I was looking...

Tableau QT: Calendar Table

This is a Quick Tip on how to build Calendar Table in Tableau, so less reading and more jumping in. We are going to spend 5 minutes or less building our...

Creating a Polar Chart in Tableau

As we close down our second set of tutorials in 2020, I wanted to finally have some fun with Polar Charts, so here you have it, something that is often asked...

Creating Gradient Bar Charts in Tableau

Gradients are not best practice for data visualisations. To put it out there immediately. However, it is something that is often asked for when creating infographics, or when the key objective...

Creating a Tableau Extension / Part Two

Two weeks ago, I wrote part one of my four-part series in Creating a Tableau Extension / Part One where we introduced Git, GitHub, Yarn, Visual Studio Code as well as Bootstrap,...

Drawing a Drop Off Sankey Chart in Tableau

Tableau Magic has experienced a fantastic launch and I am extremely grateful for your support. One of the ways I have been monitoring the growth of Tableau Magic is via Google...

Creating a Single Level Dendrogram in Tableau

My initial name for this tutorial was the Orgasmatron (head massager company name out of Australia), the name is fun, strange as hell but we have to have some fun right?...

Creating Radial Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau

I saw this a while ago and thought that I would write a tutorial about creating Radial Stacked Bar Charts in Tableau; this is a Stacked Bar Chart based on Percentage...

Drawing Arc Maps in Tableau

As of 2019.2, Tableau now has the MakePoint and MakeLine Functions that makes this process a lot easier. I would recommend using the technique described in this tutorial only if...


The TableauMagic DataTables Extension Now Available

The TableauMagic DataTables Extension v1.0.0 is now available for general use; if you have Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater, all you have to do...

Tableau Desktop Quiz

New Learning Platform


Tableau QT: League Table

This is a Quick Tip on how to build a League Table in Tableau, so less reading and more jumping in. We are going...

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