Toan Hoang

Cryptocurrency Dashboard Full Tutorial

Once a month, I am going to write a full feature-length tutorial on creating an intricate multi-feature dashboard for you to work through and enjoy. We are going to start with my Cryptocurrency Dashboard that you can see on Tableau Public here:!/vizhome/Cryptocurrency-Last30Days/CryptoDashboard

This dashboard consists of several interesting key components:

This will be a lengthy tutorial, but hopefully, you will pick up a few techniques that you can use in your other dashboards. So let us get started by sourcing your data.


We will start by sourcing our data from the CoinMarketCap website:

Note: As you will be sourcing your own data, the charts will most likely look different as you are seeing this tutorial more than a month after I have written it.

On the CoinMarketCap home page:

You should hopefully have the following (note that I am using Excel):

Save this file as we will use this throughout this tutorial. Now that we have our file, please we are going to load this into Tableau and Union all of the sheets:

You should see the following:

Now we will create our data visualisations:

Candlestick Chart

Using our Crypto Data we are now going to create our Candlestick Chart by creating the following Parameter and Calculated Fields:

Coin Name Parameter

Coin Name Filter

[Coin Name] = [Coin Name Parameter]

Note: we are using a parameter as we will use Parameter Actions to change this value.





So with these created, let us complete our Candlestick Chart:

You should now see the following:

We will now adjust the Cosmetics:

You should now have a completed Candlestick Chart where you can use a filter to change the Coin:

Do not worry if you cannot see the white lines yet, they will show up very nicely once we have our gradient background.

But to finish this off, we will create our Dashboard.

You should now see the following:

Now, this is artwork for sure, but we have only just begun.

Volume and Market Cap Charts

The bottom two Worksheets are pretty simple to do, so we will create them quickly:

You should now see the following:

Note: if the Mark Type is automatic and you don’t see a line chart, chart the Mark Type to Line.

Now, I want you to change the line colour and add this to our dashboard:

You should now see the following:

Now we are doing to create the Market Cap Trends:

If all goes well, you should now have the following:

This is the basis of our Cryptocurrency Data Visualization. I hope you have had fun so far, and now we are going to get into the really interesting stuff.

Pop up Menu

We will now create our Popup menu, but first, we need to download some Cryptocrrecy Icons:

This will load the Cryptocurrency icons that we will use in our dashboard.

We need to create the following Calculated Field:



Latest Price by Coin

IF [Date] = { MAX([Date]) } THEN

Latest Volume by Coin

IF [Date] = { MAX([Date]) } THEN

Latest Market Cap by Coin

IF [Date] = { MAX([Date]) } THEN
    [Market Cap]

Now, create a New Worksheet called Menu

You should hopefully see the following:

We will now complete this menu:

You should now see the following:

Now apply some formatting to give this a crisper look:

A few points:

Now we will add this to our dashboard:

You should now have the following:

Now you can keep your hand on Alt and hide and show this menu. Cool huh… however, to finish off our Menu, we will add a Parameter Action:

Now you should be able to click on a row in the Menu and have your visualisation updated.

Dashboard Header

Create a New Worksheet called Icon

You should now see the following:

We will need to quickly create the following two Calculated Fields

Coin (No Symbol)

MID([Coin Name],0,FIND([Coin Name]," (",0))

Coin Symbol

LEFT(RIGHT([Coin Name], LEN([Coin Name])-FIND([Coin Name], " (",0)-1),
LEN(RIGHT([Coin Name], LEN([Coin Name])-FIND([Coin Name], " (",0)-1))-1)

Now we will create a New Worksheet called Header

Edit the text so that you have the following:

As you can see these are two nice and simple Worksheets. Let us add this to our dashboard:

You will want to end up with something like the following:

As you can see we are getting really close to completing our Data visualization now, we just need to add a cool background, so let us do it!!!

Gradient Background

The final step for us is to create our Gradient Background and this will require a little data densification.

Let us start by copying and pasting this into your dashboard (this is a quick and simple way to load data into Table):

Tether (USDT)
Stellar (XLM)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Bitcoin SV (BSV)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Bitcoin (BTC)
Binance Coin (BNB)

Once your data is loaded into Tableau, right-click on the data source and click on Edit Data Source… with the Data Source Editor open, paste the following:


You should get an error as there is no joining column, however, click on Add new join clause, go to Create Join Calculation, type 1 and click OK. Do this for the right-hand side as well. Ensure that you have Inner join selected and you should see the following:

Note: we need additional records as we are going to be drawing lines and using densification to get more points on our canvas. For more information, check out our article on Data Densification.

We will now create the following Bin and Calculated Fields:

Path (bin)

Coin Name Filter

[Coin] = [Coin Name Parameter]





With these created we will create a New Worksheet called Gradient Background:

You should now see the following:

Now, this is where the fun starts.

You should now see the following:

As you can see we have created a gradient effect with an Orange Color for Bitcoin. We will need to change the Parameter and set the appropriate colours for each coin, but before that, let us adjust our cosmetics:

You should now have the following:

So once we have gone through all the Cryptocurrencies and set the colour, we can now add this sheet to our dashboard.

You should now have the following examples:

Note: you can change your button icons, I have found white buttons

now you can tweak this as much as you fancy, however, we are now done with this long, but hopefully fun End-to-End Tableau tutorial. As always, you can find my data visualisation here:!/vizhome/Cryptocurrency-Last30Days/CryptoDashboard


I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it and as always do share the love. Do let me know if you experienced any issues recreating this Visualization, and as always, please leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter @Tableau_Magic. Do also remember to tag me in your work if you use this tutorial.

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