Tableau Acquisitions / 2003 to 2018

In 13 years, Tableau has grown, gone public, and at the point of writing this article, has a market Capitalization of $7.86 billion. But despite this, Tableau has not acquired many...

Tableau Magic / A New Beginning

The Tableau Magic web domain was registered on the 23rd Jun 2014, at this point, I had no idea what I was going to do with this domain, or what it...

Coming Soon to Tableau Magic

I have already started to plan for 2020, and while I will still be writing tutorials for you to all enjoy, I have also have the following fun planned. So yes,...

TL;DR / 3 Performance Considerations

A key aspect to delivering data analytics and visualization is the performance of your solution; performance can easily make or break a project, however, too often, we focus on a few...

S1E6 / A Conversation with Yukari Nagata

Data Visualization Labs Path CEO & CVOTableau Zen MasterThe Head of JapanTUGTwitter: @DataVizLabsPathWebsite: https://www.datavisualizationlabspath.comYukari Nagata, 永田ゆかり, Tokyo, joined the Zen Master class of 2019. Yukari is currently the head of the Japan...

Tableau Magic / A Second Year of Magic

In life, I believe that the most interesting and fun journeys are not carefully curated and planned, but journeys with a loose direction and coupled with a sense of adventure and...

My Tableau Wishlist

I have been talking to several people about what I would like to see in Tableau over the coming years. This is a tough question, but as of today, I wanted...

S1E3 / A Conversation with Lindsay Betzendahl

Consultant | #ProjectHealthViz founder, #TeamTableauHealthcare | 5 Time #VOTD | A licensed marriage and family therapist turned into a Tableau junkie.Twitter: @ZenDollDataWebsite: https://vizzendata.comLindsay is a data visualization consultant at HealthDataViz and...

S1E9 / A Conversation with Sarah Burnett

Tableau viz & data geek, made in #NZ, living in #SG!Trying hard to mix it up in the world of banking!Co-Leader #SGTUG and #TableauAmbassador #TC17 #TC18Twitter: @sezbeeLinkedIn : https://sezbee.comTableau Public:!Sarah is a kiwi living...

S1E1 / A Conversation with Mark Bradbourne

Tableau Ambassador | Data Viz Junkie. Blogger. Biker. Dad. Drummer. and Co-Lead of the Cleveland TUG.Twitter: @MarkBradbourneWebsite: http://sonsofhierarchies.comMark Bradbourne has been working in the “data” space for over 20 years now...


2,000+ Tableau Icons

I do a lot of web development and love exploring different frameworks. Today, a lot of these frameworks provide custom icons to give your...

Radial Bar Chart Tutorial


Introducing TabJolt

When deploying Tableau an Enterprise we the end-users do not just get a slick data-discovery, self-service and data visualisation tool, but something quicker than...

Petal Charts in Tableau

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