TL;DR / 3 Performance Considerations

A key aspect to delivering data analytics and visualization is the performance of your solution; performance can easily make or break a project, however, too often, we focus on a few...

Supporting Tableau Magic Through Patreon

For those who have never heard of Patreon, Patreon is a platform that helps to bridge the gap between Content Creators and appreciative supporters. Towards the end of 2019, Adam Mico...

Tableau Magic / Education and Social Engagement 2019

Tableau Magic was born from a desire to help you. You, who may be a novice on a journey into data analytics, or perhaps, you, who may be a well-seasoned veteran...

Tableau Twelve-Step Programme for 2020

With every new year comes new challenges, new opportunities and, more importantly, a chance of exploring new directions. Here is my twelve-step programme to kick-starting your Tableau journey 2020.1. Download and...

S1E6 / A Conversation with Yukari Nagata

Data Visualization Labs Path CEO & CVOTableau Zen MasterThe Head of JapanTUGTwitter: @DataVizLabsPathWebsite: https://www.datavisualizationlabspath.comYukari Nagata, 永田ゆかり, Tokyo, joined the Zen Master class of 2019. Yukari is currently the head of the Japan...

S1E9 / A Conversation with Sarah Burnett

Tableau viz & data geek, made in #NZ, living in #SG!Trying hard to mix it up in the world of banking!Co-Leader #SGTUG and #TableauAmbassador #TC17 #TC18Twitter: @sezbeeLinkedIn : https://sezbee.comTableau Public:!Sarah is a kiwi living...

My Tableau Wishlist

I have been talking to several people about what I would like to see in Tableau over the coming years. This is a tough question, but as of today, I wanted...

S1E5 / A Conversation with Dilyana Bossenz

#Tableau Featured AuthorCo-leader of #BerlinTUG (Tableau User Group)#VizforSocialGood local chapter leaderTwitter: @DilyanaFlowerWebsite: https://vizpilgrim.blogspot.comDilyana was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and moved to Germany for 10 years. Dilyana wanted to have...

S1E1 / A Conversation with Mark Bradbourne

Tableau Ambassador | Data Viz Junkie. Blogger. Biker. Dad. Drummer. and Co-Lead of the Cleveland TUG.Twitter: @MarkBradbourneWebsite: http://sonsofhierarchies.comMark Bradbourne has been working in the “data” space for over 20 years now...

Tableau Magic / A Year of Magic

This has been a wonderful first year for Tableau Magic. From pushing my limits in creative visualisations, to engaging with members of the community, to providing a platform for helping people...


Radial Bar Chart Tutorial

I love drawing data visualisations with Tableau and in this tutorial, we are going to build Radial Bar Chart. For my data set, I...

2,000+ Tableau Icons

Gauge Chart (With Arrow)

New Learning Platform


Exciting News: 5 Free Tableau Courses Now Available on YouTube!

Hello, fellow data enthusiasts! I’m thrilled to announce that 5 of my free courses on Tableau are now available on YouTube for you to watch...

B13. Drawing a SIN Graph

Tableau QT: Calendar Table

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