S1E9 / A Conversation with Sarah Burnett

Tableau viz & data geek, made in #NZ, living in #SG!Trying hard to mix it up in the world of banking!Co-Leader #SGTUG and #TableauAmbassador #TC17 #TC18Twitter: @sezbeeLinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sezbeeWebsite: https://sezbee.comTableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/profile/sarah.burnett#!Sarah is a kiwi living...

Tableau Twelve-Step Programme for 2020

With every new year comes new challenges, new opportunities and, more importantly, a chance of exploring new directions. Here is my twelve-step programme to kick-starting your Tableau journey 2020.1. Download and...

S1E2 / A Conversation with Josh Tapley

Data visualization and dashboard design enthusiast with a strong focus on the business end-user. #VizItPhillyTwitter: @josh_tapleyWebsite: https://vizification.comJosh Tapley is a native Rhode Islander and, alongside his family of four, moved down to...

S1E10 / A Conversation with Merlijn Buit

Tableau Zen MasterFounder AppsforTableauInnovative Partner of the Year 2019Twitter: @MerlijnBuitWebsite: https://appsfortableau.com/Tableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/profile/merlijn.buit#!Merlijn loves technology and, as a child, he was always watching his father repairing televisions, radios and other items...

S1E1 / A Conversation with Mark Bradbourne

Tableau Ambassador | Data Viz Junkie. Blogger. Biker. Dad. Drummer. and Co-Lead of the Cleveland TUG.Twitter: @MarkBradbourneWebsite: http://sonsofhierarchies.comMark Bradbourne has been working in the “data” space for over 20 years now...

Tableau Magic / A Year of Magic

This has been a wonderful first year for Tableau Magic. From pushing my limits in creative visualisations, to engaging with members of the community, to providing a platform for helping people...

S1E8 / A Conversation with Ken Flerlage

Tableau Zen Master. Analytics Strategist & Architect. Assistant Director, BI at BucknellTwitter: @flerlagekrWebsite: https://www.kenflerlage.comA year ago, Ken would have told you that he has an identical twin brother, but now that...

S1E3 / A Conversation with Lindsay Betzendahl

Consultant | #ProjectHealthViz founder, #TeamTableauHealthcare | 5 Time #VOTD | A licensed marriage and family therapist turned into a Tableau junkie.Twitter: @ZenDollDataWebsite: https://vizzendata.comLindsay is a data visualization consultant at HealthDataViz and...

Tableau Magic / A Second Year of Magic

In life, I believe that the most interesting and fun journeys are not carefully curated and planned, but journeys with a loose direction and coupled with a sense of adventure and...

S1E4 / A Conversation with David Pires

London Practice Lead for @interworks | Inaugural Iron Viz Europe Winner | Tableau Ambassador | London TUG Co-lead | JapanophileTwitter: @davidmpiresWebsite: http://www.ivisualize.co.ukDavid is a Portuguese in London since 2005 with a...


2,000+ Tableau Icons

I do a lot of web development and love exploring different frameworks. Today, a lot of these frameworks provide custom icons to give your...

Radial Bar Chart Tutorial


Preparing Spatial Data for use in Tableau

Each graphical representation is much more effective if spatial data is used. Tableau supports Spatial data, and .SHP files are the most commonly used...

B19. Introducing Design

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