
Learn how to draw interesting visualizations using advanced Tableau techniques.

Creating a Circular Network Chart in Tableau

This is one that has been in my backlog for ages, and while I am sure there will be updates to this (I want to make this a little more dynamic),...

Drawing a WiFi Symbol

I do like having some fun with Tableau and in this blog we are going to use Data Densification to draw a simple WiFi Symbol. This will be quick, fun and...

Tableau Magic EpicViz vol.1

This is going to be a longer post than most as I want to give you the full idea behind this visualisation as well as show you how to combine several...

Drawing Radar Charts in Tableau

In this tutorial, we are going to have some fun and draw two overlapping Radar Charts, use transparency, and show dynamic labels. The main thing here is to have some fun...

Creating Gauges in Tableau

Another Tableau Tutorial request. Here is a tutorial on creating Gauges in Tableau. In this tutorial, we are going to show the colour-coded percentage out of 100.Note: This is an alternative...

Creating Path Charts in Tableau

This is a tutorial that I have been wanting to write for over a year, however, the mathematics behind this really eluded me. Then one lazy Sunday, I decided to have...

Creating Gradient Backgrounds in Tableau

When I created my Cryptocurrency Dashboard, I decided to have some fun with gradient backgrounds. When combined with animations, this creates a very cool effect, so here you go, a nice...

Drawing Election Circles

There have been a lot of requests to create this tutorial, especially with the upcoming elections, yep, I am starting to get excited about the election season. As such, here is...

Video: Tableau with Music / Square Bump Chart

Tableau with Music / Square Bump Chart. This awesome variation of your standard Bump Chart (League Table) using Data Densification and Table Calculations to create this using the Sample Superstore Data...

Creating Curved Bar Chart in Tableau (Variation)

During my break periods, I used to post cool data visualisations that I have found on various websites, yes, I really browse a lot. One was a variation of my Curved...


Double, Spaced Doughnut Chart Tutorial

After the United Kingdom 2017 General Election, on Thursday 8th June 2017, I had many conservations about our First Past The Post system (FPTP), and...

Tableau Desktop Quiz


Tableau Acquisitions / 2003 to 2018

In 13 years, Tableau has grown, gone public, and at the point of writing this article, has a market Capitalization of $7.86 billion. But...

Color Your Viz

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