INDEX() Table Calculation

The INDEX() function returns the index of the current row in the partition, without any sorting with regard to value. The first-row index starts at 1. For example, the table below...

Tableau Extension API

Tableau Extensions were introduced in version 2018.2 and has massively opened up Tableau to the world of eager developers; literally speaking, this has the potential to be the biggest game changer...

Introducing TabJolt

When deploying Tableau an Enterprise we the end-users do not just get a slick data-discovery, self-service and data visualisation tool, but something quicker than they have ever seen before. When deploying...

Understanding Level of Detail (LOD) Expressions

Prior to Level of Detail (LOD) Expressions, we had to make a extensive use of Table Calculations, but LOD has added a new element to the game and well worth looking...

Arc Chart Tutorial

After years of using Tableau, I was finally given a use case that would allow me to create an Arc Chart; I always strive to build the best visualization for the client’s requirements. The client wanted to visualize...

Dot Matrix Tutorial

A friend messaged me to ask he could create a grid layout for different visualisations, for example, a 3×3 grid. I immediately thought about a Dot Matrix visualization and how I could create...

Pointed Radial Bar Chart Tutorial

In September 2016, I wrote a tutorial titled Tableau Rings which was a step-by-step guide to create a Radial Bar Chart. To my surprise, this tutorial went on to be my...

Sunburst Chart Tutorial

When I started to learn Tableau, I remember being completely amazed and confused about how to build Bora Beran’s blog on Sunbursts; I could not believe that this was possible in Tableau...

Rounded Progress Bar Tutorial

In my free time I try to build a few web applications, this is an essential part of my personal learning and attempt to keep relevant. Having an application that delivers great functionality is great, but...


The TableauMagic DataTables Extension Now Available

The TableauMagic DataTables Extension v1.0.0 is now available for general use; if you have Tableau Desktop 2018.2 or greater, all you have to do...

Tableau Desktop Quiz


S1E5 / A Conversation with Dilyana Bossenz

#Tableau Featured AuthorCo-leader of #BerlinTUG (Tableau User Group)#VizforSocialGood local chapter leaderTwitter: @DilyanaFlowerWebsite: https://vizpilgrim.blogspot.comDilyana was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and moved to Germany for...

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