B21. Distilling the Essence

Once you have found some inspiration, we will go through the process of distilling this down to its fundamental parts. We will work on pen and paper, go through my process, and start sketching out our various possibilities for our bespoke data visualisation.

B20. Finding Inspiration

We are going to talk about the various sources of inspiration that is at your disposal. You can find inspiration anywhere you look, you just have to pay attention, be aware, be open and let it come to you.

B19. Introducing Design

In this section, we will talk about finding inspiration, sketching and designing your Bespoke Data Visualisations in Tableau.

B18. Core Technique Summary

We have covered a lot of grounds and have learned some of the available core techniques that we require to build bespoke data visualisations. So let us review.

B17. Additional Bespoke Data Visualizations

We have now learned quite a lot and practice does make perfect. Please follow the links below and complete the various exercises to reinforce your knowledge and learned techniques.

B16. Drawing a Radial Bar Chart

In this video, we will be creating a Radial Bar Chart in Tableau. We will be using Data Densification and leveraging various Table Calculations in our bespoke data visualisation.

B15. Drawing a Packed Circle

In this lecture, we will be reinforcing our knowledge on our learned techniques to create a Packed Circle Chart in Tableau. We will be drawing circles and sizing them based on our data set.

B14. Drawing with Polygons / Circles

In this lecture, we will be looking at using Data Densification, Table Calculations and the Polygon Mark Type to draw shapes. We will combine all our techniques to draw a few fun shapes and will be building up to drawing more complex objects.

B13. Drawing a SIN Graph

In this lecture, we are going to look into the drawing curved lines using the SIN() Function. We will use Data Densification, Table Calculations and the SIN() function to draw this data visualisation. This lecture will help cement our knowledge on the techniques presented.

B12. Shaped Bar Charts

In this lecture, we are going to build our first, albeit simple, bespoke data visualisation to get a better understanding of Data Densification and Table Calculations. We will be building a Shaped Bar Chart which is a nice alternative to your standard Bar Chart.


Radial Bar Chart Tutorial

I love drawing data visualisations with Tableau and in this tutorial, we are going to build Radial Bar Chart. For my data set, I...

2,000+ Tableau Icons

Gauge Chart (With Arrow)

New Learning Platform


Drawing Orbit Charts in Tableau

Since releasing our popular Satellite Chart Tutorial, see Drawing Satellite Charts and Variations in Tableau, I have received numerous request for help in creating...

Flow Chart Template

Venn Diagrams in Tableau

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