S1E7 / A Conversation with Emily Kund
Data+Leadership=Happiness. I also like fitness & family.Founder of @thefringefest @prettystrngsmart & Analytics to Inform.Tableau Ambassador.Twitter: @emilykundWebsite: https://www.analytics2inform.com/Emily gladly stepped back from her 19-year career to be more present with her kids....
My Tableau Wishlist
I have been talking to several people about what I would like to see in Tableau over the coming years. This is a tough question, but as of today, I wanted...
S1E6 / A Conversation with Yukari Nagata
Data Visualization Labs Path CEO & CVOTableau Zen MasterThe Head of JapanTUGTwitter: @DataVizLabsPathWebsite: https://www.datavisualizationlabspath.comYukari Nagata, 永田ゆかり, Tokyo, joined the Zen Master class of 2019. Yukari is currently the head of the Japan...
S1E5 / A Conversation with Dilyana Bossenz
#Tableau Featured AuthorCo-leader of #BerlinTUG (Tableau User Group)#VizforSocialGood local chapter leaderTwitter: @DilyanaFlowerWebsite: https://vizpilgrim.blogspot.comDilyana was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and moved to Germany for 10 years. Dilyana wanted to have...
S1E4 / A Conversation with David Pires
London Practice Lead for @interworks | Inaugural Iron Viz Europe Winner | Tableau Ambassador | London TUG Co-lead | JapanophileTwitter: @davidmpiresWebsite: http://www.ivisualize.co.ukDavid is a Portuguese in London since 2005 with a...
S1E3 / A Conversation with Lindsay Betzendahl
Consultant | #ProjectHealthViz founder, #TeamTableauHealthcare | 5 Time #VOTD | A licensed marriage and family therapist turned into a Tableau junkie.Twitter: @ZenDollDataWebsite: https://vizzendata.comLindsay is a data visualization consultant at HealthDataViz and...
S1E2 / A Conversation with Josh Tapley
Data visualization and dashboard design enthusiast with a strong focus on the business end-user. #VizItPhillyTwitter: @josh_tapleyWebsite: https://vizification.comJosh Tapley is a native Rhode Islander and, alongside his family of four, moved down to...
S1E1 / A Conversation with Mark Bradbourne
Tableau Ambassador | Data Viz Junkie. Blogger. Biker. Dad. Drummer. and Co-Lead of the Cleveland TUG.Twitter: @MarkBradbourneWebsite: http://sonsofhierarchies.comMark Bradbourne has been working in the “data” space for over 20 years now...
Tableau Acquisitions / 2003 to 2018
In 13 years, Tableau has grown, gone public, and at the point of writing this article, has a market Capitalization of $7.86 billion. But despite this, Tableau has not acquired many...