I love Quadrants Plots as a quick way to segmenting your data, so please enjoy this Tableau Quick Tip (QT) which you can do in 5 mins or less.
Let us start by loading the following data in Tableau Desktop / Public.
Note: If you have Tableau Desktop, you can use the Orders Data Source.
Calculated Fields
Create the following Calculated Fields:
TC_Percentage of Max Quantity
TC_Percentage of Max Sales
IF [TC_Percentage of Max Sales] <0.5 AND [TC_Percentage of Max Quantity] < 0.5 THEN
"Low Sales / Low Quantity"
ELSEIF [TC_Percentage of Max Sales] >= 0.5 AND [TC_Percentage of Max Quantity] < 0.5 THEN
"High Sales / Low Quantity"
ELSEIF [TC_Percentage of Max Sales] >= 0.5 AND [TC_Percentage of Max Quantity] >= 0.5 THEN
"High Sales / High Quantity"
"Low Sales / High Quantity"
and that is it, let us now build our worksheet.
We will now create our worksheet:
- Change the Mark Type to Circle.
- Drag Customer Name onto the Detail Mark.
- Drag TC_Percentage of Max Sales onto Columns.
- Right-click on this object, go to Compute Using and select Customer Name.
- Drag TC_Percentage of Max Quantity onto Rows.
- Right-click on this object, go to Compute Using and select Customer Name.
- Drag Color onto the Color Mark.
- Right-click on this object, go to Compute Using and select Customer Name.
If all goes well you should now see the following:

Now we will adjust the cosmetics:
- Add a Trend Line to the X-Axis, create a parameter and set the value to 0.5.
- Add a Trend Line to the Y-Axis.
- Hide the Major Tick Marks.
- Hide the Grid Lines.
- Hide the Zero Lines.
- Adjust the Tooltips.
You should now have the following:

and boom, we are done. We have created our Quadrant Plots in Tableau. You can find my data visualisation Tableau Public at https://public.tableau.com/profile/toan.hoang#!/vizhome/QuadrantPlots/QuandrantPlot
I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Do let me know if you experienced any issues recreating this Visualisation, and as always, please leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter @Tableau_Magic.
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